
Afghanistan From Past To Present

15 Ekim 2024

Afghanistan From Past To Present (Temmuz 2023)

Abstract and thesis

At the end of May 2023 it was announced that at least three people were killed in a confrontation between Iranian border guards and the Afghan Taliban forces in the border area. This news caught my attention in terms of the refugee crisis in the world, and the Taliban, which has been the subject of news headlines recently. This event prompted me to look at the history of Afghanistan using traditional mundane astrology technique, focusing on planetary cycles and functions of the planets, along with astro-cartography, Solar Arc (SA), as well as techniques from Uranian system, such as midpoints and sensitive points (0º,22.5 º cardinal, 15 ºfix, 29 º, 7.5 º mutable – all of which make an aspect to the Aries Point – the World Axis.

The following analysis will highlight the role of the Uranus-Neptune cycle and its conjunction in Capricorn as powerful indicators and milestone in the history of modern Afghanistan.

Ibn Ezra says that Fix Stars should be considered more in mundane astrology than in personal charts. Some fixed stars are quite influential in the course of events in the process of change. In the case of Afghanistan, I specifically mention the effects of Algol.

In this study, all these techniques are used to analyze the political changes of the Afghan society throughout history, the tribal wars and the effect of foreign countries on the Afghanistan's governance.

The charts of the events that constitute the milestones of the country are discussed compared, and each chart is graphically included in the relevant section of the article.

Since the exact month and day information of the period in which the dynasty changed in the country was not available, the chart was evaluated on a yearly basis. Nevertheless, Noon and midnight charts were used for the events with certain dates.

It is obviously difficult to say which chart describes a country better throughout history. For this reason, if we want to understand which planet is most effective for a country, we need to identify the prominent cycles in regime changes.


Afghanistan, a land that has witnessed the rise and fall of various civilizations and is situated on an ancient trade route, continues to struggle to find the peace and stability it has sought throughout the past.

Ethnic origins appear to be important in determining political authority in Afghan history. From the establishment of the Abdali government in 1747 to the present day, the struggle for political power has been taking place between tribes, causing ongoing instability.

In a country where tribal wars have been a constant occurrence from the past to the present, Dost Muhammad declared his reign in Kabul in 1819, and thus the ruling dynasty was changed in Afghanistan. (1)  

 Although there is no exact date (day and month) for the period in question, when the dynasty changed and Dost Muhammad declared his reign, Pluto-Saturn conjunction was in square aspect with the Uranus-Neptune conjunction, in 1819 chart. (graph 1)

When Uranus is added to the Pisces-Sagittarius square, which symbolizes great ideals, it is not surprising that the change and timely renewal will take place with uprising and rebellion.

Neptune is associated with wars and scandals due to delusion and illusion, while Uranus symbolizes revolution, innovation, and rebellion. The Saturn-Pluto conjunction, which makes a square aspect to these two planets, means the emergence of nations, deep cultural change, cleansing and resurrection. According to Alfred Witte; Saturn-Pluto refers to hindered development, distinction, and necessity. When Uranus added to this conjunction, developing separation turn into crises. (2) In other words, we can also call it the reconstruction of the cultural structure.

The conjunction of Saturn and Pluto alone has been observed to cause riots, civil war, bloodshed, and sectarian violence in some periods.  Saturn that enters 0 º Aries Point in the second half of the year 1819, stresses the importance of the planet's role in the initiation of the change process.

Dost Muhammad officially declared his reign for the second time in 1826 after the internal turmoil and started a new chapter in Afghanistan. On this date, we also see the Uranus-Neptune conjunction in Capricorn. (graph 2)

Since the country had tried to survive between the British and the Russian during this period, it was not easy to achieve the desired balance in the country, and with the support of the British, the ruling power in the country changed once more.

We can associate the square aspect of Pluto to the Uranus-Neptune conjunction, which is included in both the 1819 and 1826 charts, with power struggles, uprisings, crises, and revolutions.

Strategic views regarding Afghanistan as the key to continental dominance in Central Asia, begins at the end of the 19th century. The British believed that it was necessary to hold Afghanistan in order to protect India, which was important for their empire. In order to achieve this goal, they had to take over Afghanistan. The first act of this game, which has been going on for two centuries, is to weaken Russia, which was advancing in Central Asia.

On the one hand, the Russians were advancing in the Caucasus, on the other hand, they were approaching the border with Afghanistan, embarking on new invasions in Central Asia.

Meanwhile, the British wanted to dethrone Dost Mohammad Khan, with whom they were dissatisfied, and replace him with the former ruler Shuja Khan (Shuja ul-Mulk).

With the British withdrawal from Afghanistan in 1843, we see that Dost Muhammad ascended the throne once again. This time, the planet accompanying Neptune is Jupiter instead of Uranus. His ruling period is recorded as when central control was re-established over remote regions of the country and friendship treaties were signed with the British.

Although the Jupiter-Neptune cycles bring religious wars with them, they can be described as ideological and humane cycles.

Transition to Monarchy

The country was liberated from foreign domination in 1919 and made the transition to a monarchy under the reign of Amanullah Khan. (graph 3)

The country's declaration of independence and transition to a monarchy also takes place with the Pluto-Jupiter conjunction (Cancer-cardinal sign). In order to understand this 12-year cycle, it would be meaningful to look at other cycles that are taking place in the background.

The Uranus-Neptune conjunction in Sagittarius and Capricorn, observed consecutively in 1819 and 1826, represented ideological conflicts, British and Russian interventions and/or invasions and the term that began with conflicts. In the monarchy chart, we see that the Uranus-Neptune cycle is moving into opposition.

Considering that the process from the conjunction of any two planets to the opposition symbolizes spreading, growth, taking risks and exploring, the transition of the country to the monarchy by declaring its independence is more understandable. It is undeniable that not only the Uranus-Neptune opposition phase, but also the Pluto-Saturn conjunction prepares the process in the background and contributes to the theme.

Between 1919 and 1929, King Amanullah started a modernization movement in the country by improving relations with European countries and Turkey under the influence of Atatürk. Significant developments were made in Afghanistan in terms of administrative, military, agricultural and medical structuring.

Saturn represents boundaries, responsibilities and structures, while Pluto symbolizes destruction, death and transformation. The conjunction of these two planets always symbolizes difficult processes and slow progressive developments. The changes that King Amanullah was trying to make in Afghanistan were a reflection of the difficult change process of the Saturn-Pluto.

At this point, we can say that the Pluto-Saturn conjunction in Cancer represented the process of structuring the country's own urgent needs and When Jupiter made a conjunction with Pluto, the Monarchy was declared.

We see Mercury at the Uranus/Mars midpoint on the monarchy chart dated February 28, 1919. According to Ebertin, the Mars/Uranus midpoint means “operation”. We can say that this midpoint, which symbolizes extraordinary energy and courage, facilitated the release of freedom and warrior energy. Even though these moves towards modernity during his reign were not welcomed by Islamic circles, Amanullah Khan was also able to put the new constitution into effect.  He reforms in the legislative field and the political rights, and also granted to women, which can be seen in the Sun/Moon and Moon/Mercury midpoints with Uranus. Freedom and innovation could best be explained by Uranus, which is located at the midpoint of the Sun/Moon (luminary).   

The transition from Han rule to Monarchy

Here we see that the Sun of the Monarchy chart is located at the Jupiter/Saturn and Jupiter/Pluto midpoints of the 1819 chart. (graph 4)

In the middle of the year 1819, Saturn moves from Pisces to Aries and Jupiter settles in the fixed sign Aquarius. Since the Aries point (0º Aries) is very influential in mundane events, the period when Saturn entered the Aries plays a decisive role for the history of the country, in addition to the 15º fixed aspects to Aries point in Uranian perspective. That’s why we cannot ignore the contributions of Jupiter, which is moving in the innovative Aquarius sign, affecting the masses, in this process of change.

Jupiter and Saturn, as social planets, trigger the cardinal axis during the year is a good example of Afghanistan's role in regime change on the 1919 chart.

While Jupiter was located in the middle of Aquarius, Saturn had just entered Aries, and the midpoint of this duo had been enabled by the Sun of the 1919 monarchy chart. (graph 4)

Since a chart reflecting the collective consciousness of a society is born from the energy of the chart that came before it, how they reveal each other is essential. 

Thus, in the 1819 chart’s Jupiter/Saturn midpoint conjunct with the Sun of 1919 chart (8 Pisces).

The Jupiter/Saturn midpoint indicates the need for slow progress, manages controlled growth, organized expansion, and discipline. During the transition to the monarchy, the country, which was devastated on a large scale due to the ongoing wars with the British and the sense of national unity was weakened, entered into a process of reconstruction. In that period King Amanullah managed to introduce innovations and developments in many fields.

Perhaps an important midpoint that should draw our attention is the Neptune/Pluto midpoint on the 1819 chart that was activated by the Moon of the monarchy chart (graph 4). We can interpret this planetary model as the implementation of transformative dreams and profound ideologies as a widespread public opinion (Moon) in the new Afghanistan.

The Moon signifies people and women, besides public opinion, so King Amanullah, who ruled from 1919 to 1929, was able to make remarkable changes in an attempt to unify and modernize the country. He gave women freedom in the public sphere in order to reduce the control that patriarchal families exercised over women. In addition to encouraging families to send their daughters to school, he encouraged women to take off their headscarves and convinced them to adopt a more Western style of clothing. In 1921, he passed a law against forced marriage, child marriage, and bride price, and placed restrictions on polygamy - a common practice among households in the Afghanistan region. Although it was not approved by the religious population of the society, we can see an Afghanistan that is making innovation agreements. King Amanullah was rebuilding his dream new country despite all kinds of difficulties. In November 1928, he lost the capital city Kabul fallowing a tribal uprising and although Amanullah Khan tried to recapture the throne, he was not successful and had to leave Afghanistan.










1973 Socialist Afghan Regime

The Soviet Union, which began to interfere in the internal political developments of Afghanistan in the 1960s, invaded Afghanistan after the coups in 1973, 1978, and 1979, and a socialist Afghan regime was established in the country. While the king, who was dethroned by the 1973 coup, was beginning his exile life in Rome, the period of the socialist regime was also beginning in Afghanistan. (graph 5)


Observing the connection between the 1973 chart and the 1919 monarchy chart, we see that the Saturn/Uranus midpoint of the Monarchy chart conjuncts the fixed star Algol in Taurus 26. Similarly, the Saturn/Uranus midpoint of the 1973 chart makes a conjunction with Saturn (23 Leo) of the monarchy chart. (graph 6)


The Saturn/Uranus midpoint in 1973 chart symbolizes the tension between corrupt established patterns and new ways of beginnings or ideology. This is the desire to be safe and organized as Saturn. It is a combination that symbolizes balancing the urge to get rid of old programs and restrictions, and the fear of doing so. This process is about the need to find the true meaning of freedom and independence.


The conjunction of the Saturn/Uranus midpoint with the fixed star Algol, which is associated with “violence,” in 1919 chart indicates that the expected change will occur quite painfully (graph 6). This civil war environment confirms the attribute of the fixed star Algol as “death by decapitation.”  

the Saturn-Uranus midpoint of the 1973 chart is in conjunction with Saturn of the 1919 chart. 

In the same way, the Saturn-Uranus and Sun-Pluto midpoints of the 1973 chart also make a square angle with Algol. (graph 6).

In news coming from Afghanistan we hear of judges who have been ordered to impose punishments, which include public execution, lashing, limb amputation, and stoning.

This powerful planetary configuration and its astrological symbolism, which connects the charts of 1919 and 1973, clearly explains the violent nature of today's Afghanistan.

If we look at the connection of the 1973 chart Uranus with the 1919 chart we can think of the regime change in 1973 as a quest to get rid of civil wars and occupation forces. The Afghanistan we are observing may not be a country dominated by a modern and innovative environment symbolized by Uranus, but we can consider it as liberating the territories occupied by Russia.

On the other hand, the Uranus-Neptune cycle highlighted in the previous charts seems to have been replaced by the Uranus-Pluto cycle.

The Uranus-Pluto cycles mark a radical restructuring of societies and nations. Ebertin describes this cycle as “a structure built on ruins.” in the 1973 chart, we observe not only Uranus-Neptune but also the Saturn-Neptune closing phase.

This closing phase is the distribution, downsizing, decay, and return to seed phase. In the vast majority of this closing phase of the cycle, all the attention turns to withdrawal, pessimism, consolidation, and conservatism

Looking at this period in Afghanistan, success against the invaders was achieved starting in 1984, and the USSR completed its withdrawal from Afghanistan in 1989, coinciding with Fall of the Soviet regime and fall of Berlin wall.

It is a period when parallel structures (deep government) were formed in the government, agricultural policies were changed in a way that the public could not benefit from, and the army was reduced and neutralized. In other words, with the closing cycles of both Uranus-Neptune and Saturn-Neptune, we can say that the country became plagued with conflicts again.

1992 Peshawar Agreement and the Afghan Islamic Republic

On 24 April 1992, the Peshawar Accord was announced by several but not all Afghan mujahideen parties: Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, leader of Hezb-e Islami, had since March 1992 opposed these attempts at a coalition government. This accord proclaimed an Afghan interim government called the Islamic State of Afghanistan. (graph 7)

We are seeing the Uranus-Neptune conjunction in the 1992 Islamic State chart, just like in 1819 and 1826 charts (graph 1).

Simultaneously with the Islamic republic, we see that the Taliban is aggravating its presence in the country.

Founded in 1994 with the aim of spreading the Islamic Sharia law, the Taliban is financed by activities such as collecting tribute, ransoms and detentions, as well as the narcotics trade.

The Uranus-Neptune conjunction is taking place again in Capricorn. So far, we can say that the cycles of these two planets mark the periods that form the milestone for Afghanistan.

While the Pluto-Saturn opening square accompanying this Uranus-Neptune conjunction in the 1992 chart, Afghanistan started moving towards a more traditional and conservative structure. We see that concepts such as freedom and equality (Saturn Aquarius square Pluto Scorpio) are suppressed and replaced by dictatorship. In fact, according to a report published by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) in November 2021, more than 85 percent of the opium obtained from poppy in the world in 2020 is made in Afghanistan. Even this which is also proof of how decisive Neptune is for the country; Neptune is drug among other things.

The charts of the country are very sensitive to Neptune and Uranus transits.

Saturn, which is located in the sign of Aquarius at 17º on the 1992 chart, is close to the octile aspect to cardinal axis (fixed 15º). we observed that Jupiter was located in the same degree on the chart of 1819. Since both Jupiter and Saturn symbolize law, order, and the status quo as social planets, the combinations they make to the cardinal axis appear to be the elements that trigger changes.

The Mars/Uranus=Saturn planetary picture in the 1992 chart highlights the fact that Afghanistan continues to be embroiled in tribal war. A similar planetary picture (Mars/Uranus=Sun) can be observed in the monarchy chart of 1919. In universal symbolism, both Saturn and the Sun symbolize leadership and authority.

Another notable highlight is that the Moon/Uranus and Moon/Neptune midpoints in 1992 chart are located at 23 Capricorn which corresponds to another aspect to the cardinal axis (22.5 º cardinal). Neptune and Uranus stand out as planets that need to be examined more closely for Afghanistan in every sense.

On the date of signing the agreement that decides to withdraw the United States from Afghanistan (29 February 2020), which it occupied after the September 11 attack, the Pluto-Saturn –Jupiter conjunction took place. After this agreement, the Taliban took over the country again and would continue to rule the country with its repressive regime.

After the change of dynasty with the Pluto-Saturn conjunction in Pisces in 1819, we observed the transition to the monarchy with the conjunction of these two planets in Cancer. When Saturn-Pluto met in Capricorn, a traditional and conservative sign, the country surrendered to the Taliban regime in 2020. We can say that the Sharia regime implemented by the Taliban clearly expresses the symbolism of Capricorn.

Considering that the Saturn-Pluto conjunction symbolizes profound cultural change and the construction of a new structure from the ruins, it can be said that this conjunction caused the transition of the Taliban Afghanistan of 2020 towards corruption and fundamentalism.

Afghanistan After 2021

We know that with the US withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021, the Taliban rule in the country is rapidly returning to Sharia law.

It is very clear that the Afghanistan chart, which is sensitive to Uranus-Neptune cycles, was triggered by the Jupiter-Saturn-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn on the date of the Washington administration's decision to withdraw (Doha Agreement of February 29, 2020).

While Transit Saturn, on the date of the signing of the Doha agreement, is making conjunction with the natal Moon of 1992 chart. Also transit Neptune is conjunct with the Sun/Moon midpoint of 1992 chart. It indicates that developments will not progress in a positive direction in terms of people and country resources. In addition, the Pluto/Sun and Saturn/Sun midpoints also trigger the Saturn of the 1992 chart. (graph 8)

Witte explains Saturn=Sun/Pluto midpoint as “slow physical development, physical hardening, assimilation.” Together with the Taliban regime, a process was initiated in the country in which many media outlets were closed, women were banned from working and walking outside, and even girls were restricted from going to school.

We see that the transit Mars/Pluto and Mars/Saturn midpoints, symbolizing intense aggression that we can call overwhelming or obsessive, are in conjunction with Uranus of the 1992 chart. The influence of Uranus is similar to the decision to withdraw US military troops from Afghanistan in 2020, just as the country was liberated from the Soviet Union in 1973.

After the departure of the US from the country, the atmosphere of insurrection, division and conflict, which is the shadow side of Uranus, affects the entire country.

We can also say that transiting Jupiter is conjunct with Uranus-Neptune conjunction in 1992 chart. This conjunction reveals an exaggerated form of the symbolism of these two planets. In short, the imposition of Sharia law, bias, and chaos is the result of this conjunction for Afghanistan.

If we look at the 1992 chart of the Islamic Republic, transit Uranus opposition to the natal Pluto and transit Pluto conjunction to the natal Moon draw our attention (graph 9), since both transits will be active during the whole year, and need to observed carefully.

Pluto describes mob psychology and power of the masses, as well as regeneration and transformation. It usually indicates where the complications are, and if triggered, it refers to social uprisings, power struggles, terrorism or corruption. In this case, I think it would not be wrong to say that the climate of terrorism and conflict will continue in the country. It seems that the pressure, conflict, and terror environment, which will be experienced for a longer period of time due to the lack of the country's resources, will leave the people in a difficult situation.

Considering that Venus also represents young women, (SA) Venus to natal Pluto support continuation of the Taliban's oppression of women and girls in the country. This theme is also supported by the transit Pluto conjunction to the natal Moon. This theme is also supported by the transit Pluto-natal Moon conjunction.

Considering Venus as a financial indicator, it shows the problem of the country, resulting with the withdrawal of Western support, will continue.

Especially the powerful transits in the summer period will draw the country into a war environment. (R) retrograde Venus-Sun conjunction in August 2023 squares natal Pluto of 1992 chart. Transit Saturn opposition natal Jupiter, and transiting Mars opposition to natal Mars are the other effective configurations that attract attention. The conflict environment will accelerate with the Libra solar eclipse in October 2023 opposition to natal Venus.

According to the traditional astrology sources Venus as a morning star, indicates potential for war. We can say that not only the tension with Iran, but tribal conflicts will continue. In fact, the opposition of transit Uranus in Taurus to natal Pluto of 1992 throughout the year and the trine aspect to the natal Uranus-Neptune conjunction by retrograde motion will change the direction of events in an undesirable way.

The last lunar eclipse of the year (5º Taurus), which is in conjunction with the natal Sun (4 Taurus) of Afghanistan 1992 chart, also supports the problematic theme; when the sun gets a hard aspect, it indicates tension in the country. In short, we can say that the events that are developing in 2023 will continue in the next year.


If we look at the Solar and Lunar eclipse line that took place in the second half of 2023, we can see that the Neptune and Uranus line of the eclipse moment passes over Afghanistan. (graph 10 - 11)

We see that the Pluto line of the Cancer ingress is located over India, which is quite close to the country. At this point, the important thing is that the Mars line coming through Afghanistan intersects with Pluto. (graph 12)

We can say that until the eclipses in the second half of the year, the tensions and conflicts in the region will affect the national unity and integrity of India and Pakistan.

As a matter of fact, the border problem between Pakistan and Afghanistan in 1947 still exists. However, the refugee problem experienced due to the wars in Afghanistan also threatens the security of countries in the region. Afghanistan is in a strategic position in terms of India's access to Central Asian energy resources.

Russia's development of strategic cooperation with China, India's non-inclusion in the trilateral union consisting of the United States, Russia and China established in 2019 for peace talks in Afghanistan (Pakistan included this year by the way) also increase India's concerns about being left out of the game.

It seems that while the Afghanistan issue is increasing the India-China rift, it is likely to exaggerate the distance between India and Russia. 

On the other equinox ingress chart of the year, we see that the Sun (Libra) line passes over Afghanistan together with Neptune. The Capricorn ingress chart also supports the same theme with Pluto lines. (graph 13-14)

As I have emphasized before, Neptune and Uranus are very important for the country. It seems that the energy of war and destruction that we have experienced recently is still up to date.

In short, the year 2023 does not look very bright for Afghanistan in terms of relations with its border neighbors, both in the West and in the East.

Especially with the transition of Neptune to the 0º Aries sign at the beginning of 2025 and its conjunction with Saturn at the same degree, we can expect a radical change in the country like in its history (Graph 15). Since the cardinal axis in question will form the T-square aspect pattern with the country's lunar nodes, the country will need structural changes to defend its own resources.

It seems that the atmosphere of destruction caused by power wars will continue with all its violence in the Eastern bloc of the world for the next two years.

Didem Can

Temmuz 2023




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