
Earthquake in Turkey

30 Eylül 2024

Earthquake in Turkey

2023 February

Two earthquakes of magnitude 7.7 and 7.6, the epicenter of which was Kahramanmaraş, shook Turkey deeply. While a state of emergency has been declared in the region, search and rescue efforts continue. In Japan, which is frequently exposed to large and destructive earthquakes due to its location, Professor Shinjin from Tohuku University said that the earthquakes in Kahramanmaraş are so strong that they can be seen "once in 1000 years."

Izmir Dokuz Eylul University (DEU) Earthquake Research and Application Center (DAUM) Director and Geological Engineering Department Lecturer Prof. Dr. Hasan Sözbilir explained that in the region where today's earthquake occurred, “the fault parts that had accumulated stress for 500 years were broken.”

"According to the estimates we have analyzed in detail, we know that the tremor was active for 150 kilometers with a displacement of at least three meters. It all happened in just a few seconds," said Italian earthquake expert Doglioni, who was a live broadcast guest on Sky TG24 TV. He also added that Turkey is shifting to the southwest and Arabia to the northeast.

The exact number of the dead and injured is not known yet, as rescue teams are still working on the area while I am writing this article. About 60 countries are showing an example of solidarity by sending aid teams in the wake of this earthquake that deeply affected Turkey.

If we look at these two destructive earthquakes that occurred consecutively in terms of astrological indicators; it would be right to start with ingress charts, eclipses, lunations, and geodetic maps. This way, we can better understand the background and the indicators that trigger it.






The Scorpio eclipse, which took place with the South node on October 25, 2022, is quite remarkable as it triggers Turkey's Sun. (Graph 1)

In the eclipse chart drawn according to Ankara, it is observed that Pluto is conjunct with ASC from the 12th house, which is considered the "unseen realm," and Uranus conjoins with IC.

On the other hand, Neptune, which is associated with earthquakes, reveals its impact with a square angle to the midpoint of ASC/MC (according to mythology, a giant, who was in a contest between the gods and giants, was pursued by Poseidon across the sea as far as the island of Cos. There, Poseidon tore away a part of the island, which was afterwards called Nisyrion, and threw it upon the giant, burying him under it.) The midpoint between the Ascendant and the Midheaven shows how we live in the moment. We can speak of a shift in social consciousness, with the collective planets marking the angles and ASC/MC midpoint. In particular, Neptune will bring collective consciousness, solidarity, compassion, and mercy to the forefront.


However, while OOB Mars, the ruler of the eclipse, moves very slowly just before its retro motion, its square aspect with Neptune is one of the important dynamics of the eclipse for Turkey. The positioning of Mars in the 12th house with the eclipse indicates that Mars will be in a more challenging and destructive action plan.

In short, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, which we call the outer planet, appear as the leading actors who prepare the background in the Ankara eclipse chart.

When we examine the eclipse chart with Turkey, we see that the eclipse also makes a sextile aspect to the Sun/Moon midpoint (2 Virgo), as well as a conjunction with the natal Sun.

In fact, I think the theme of a change in consciousness is emphasized once again. The midpoint of the Sun/Moon represents the unfolding process of the effort to find meaning and order, as well as reaching the conscious from the subconscious. It would not be wrong to say that the eclipse triggers this middle point, as a precursor to the events that started this process.

Mars, on the other hand, squares Neptune by triggering the natal Moon, which is located in the 12th house of the natal chart. Just this much is enough to show that a troublesome process will begin for the country.

This is not only about the earthquake, but also a time when the country was in a tense election atmosphere, with economic troubles, poverty, and refugee problems that were challenging enough for the patience of the people. Along with the earthquake, the chaotic environment (Neptune) prevails in the provinces where the earthquake took place. In addition, donations from other regions of the country and volunteers who risk their lives day and night are other features of the Neptune symbolism.


(Graph 1) 25 October 2022 Solar Eclipse


Geodetic Charts and Eclipse

According to Chriss McRae; “every time powerful eclipses fall in their geodetic angles, it is worth noting, particularly those lasting several minutes.” (Geodetic astrology for relocation and world affairs, 2016, The Wessex Astrologer Ltd.)

At this point, when we look at the projection of these eclipses on the geodetic map, we see that the eclipse line with Venus passes over Turkey. Symbolizing hard work, discipline, and difficulties, Saturn intersects the country with its DSC line. (Graph 2)

(Graph 2) 25 October 2022 solar eclipse geodetic map


We can see the effects of these eclipses on the country more clearly on the geodetic map than on the basic Astrocartography map. If we take a closer look at two consecutive solar eclipses, we can better understand which planets the 2022 eclipses are collaborating with and foreshadowing. (Graph 3)


(Graph 3) 30 April and 25 October 2022 Solar Eclipse geodetic charts


The first thing that caught our attention is that, of course, Saturn stands before us as the planet that turns the opposition of two eclipses into a T-square.

In the first eclipse, we see Uranus, which stands out with its destructiveness; while in the other eclipse, we see debilitated Venus together with the south node. We should especially emphasize that Saturn, constituting the T-Square, is the 8th house ruler of Turkey's natal chart.

We should examine Mars and Venus carefully as they are the eclipse rulers. Mars is in the 8th house, which symbolizes death and financial matters.

Venus, the MC ruler in the geodetic reference chart, is positioned in the 4th house in this eclipse. While Venus is conjunct with Neptune in the first eclipse, it is triggered by Jupiter in the second eclipse chart. The fact that Jupiter is located at 0 degrees Aries, which is the world point, makes this conjunction important.

The ASC of the second eclipse squares the first eclipse degree, while its MC is trine to the first eclipse Pluto. This means there is an emphasis on death and necessary transformation. Since Pluto always symbolizes the death and rebirth process (either emotional or real death), its association with Jupiter evokes mass deaths, especially in earthly events. Where and how a better organization will emerge is connected with Pluto. In other words, this planet shows the power of the collective. Since it plays such an active role in the eclipse chart, it may indicate sociological upheavals, power struggles, terrorism or corruption. In this situation, Turkey's rebirth process should be based on the reconstruction of the cities destroyed by the earthquake and the healing of social wounds.

We see that with the second eclipse, Mercury turns the Neptune/NN sextile in the first eclipse into a yod aspect. Although Turkey has Taurus MC and Leo ASC in the geodetic reference map, according to Ptolemy's country rulerships described in his book, Tetrabiblos[1]; we can assume that Turkey is ruled by Mercury. From this point of view, we see Neptune in an important role again.

While Mercury is the ruler of the 4th house, which symbolizes territorial integrity, house, and family in the natal chart of Turkey, Neptune is the ruler of the MC. It is emphasized that the country needs to develop a new vision in this uncertain environment that it is dragged into.






Capricorn Ingress 


(Graph 4) 21 December 2022 Capricorn Ingress geodetic chart

In the solstice geodetic chart of 2022, the Uranus line, which symbolizes destruction and unexpected important changes, is located on the meridian with NN. We see that the Uranus and Saturn lines intersect in that earthquake zone. (Graph 4)

The fact that the Sun Jupiter square in the solstice chart is in conjunction with the IC and DSC points is another indication that it is the beginning of a problematic period for the country. Because it is evident that Jupiter is at 0 degrees Aries and angular, it will pull the country into an environment where the struggle is expected and courage should be mustered.

Two major triggers, Mercury and Venus, are in conjunction with Pluto in the Solstice chart, while they are in the 8th house cusp of the natal chart. (Graph 5)

Simultaneously, the MC point of the solstice chart is conjunct with the Moon in the 12th house, which symbolizes the people.

The conjunction of Mercury, both the MC and ASC ruler of the Solstice chart, with Pluto symbolizes the helplessness and problems of the people as the main theme, while Pluto entering the 8th house adds to this theme the troubles related to death and loss.

The opposition of transiting Uranus to Venus doesn't help much either. It should not be forgotten that Venus is the MC ruler of Turkey in the geodetic reference map and is a planet that plays an important role in many events for the country.


(Graph 5) 21 December 2022 Solstice Chart with Turkey Natal Chart






Geodetic Eclipse Charts and Lunation

These two eclipse charts are also triggered by the full moon, which occurred approximately 6.5 hours before the earthquake. (Graph 6)


(Graph 6) 30 April and 25 October 2022 Solar Eclipse geodetic charts and full moon (5 February 2023)

We know that fast-moving planets act as triggers. At this point, the eclipse rulers Mars and Venus trigger Mars in the 8th house of the first eclipse.

The Mars Venus square in the full moon chart is experienced as more destructive due to the release of energy that has long been accumulated by Rt Mars.

While Mercury, the dispositor of Mars, is also making a partial square to the Mercury of the second eclipse, the MC of the full moon chart is in conjunction with Mars. On the other hand, full moon ASC opposes Neptun. It is perfectly normal for the Leo full moon to affect the country with a devastating event in the characteristics of Mars.

Another important point is that Saturn, which forms the T-Square, interacts with the full moon. When both Mars and Saturn are triggered by the full moon, the east of the country (10 cities) is destroyed by two rare, massive, consecutive earthquakes (7.6 and 7.7 magnitude).

In the Full Moon chart, Uranus turns the Sun-Moon opposition into T-Square and takes place in the angular houses of the Turkey chart. The conjunction of Uranus with the fixed star of Menkar puts further emphasis on the effect of the planet's destructiveness. Menkar is a fixed star in the nature of Saturn and is known to cause disaster, destruction, loss and ruin.

Uranus is located in the 8th house in the full moon chart that is cast for Ankara. Even this settlement itself points to death and loss of wealth.

On the other hand, NN placed in the 8th house is in conjunction with the fixed star of Hamal, which is also in the nature of Mars and Saturn; it causes violence, brutality, persecution and deliberate crime. I think all these symbolisms are clear indicators of this destructive natural event.


Earthquake Moment Chart

If we look at the moment of the earthquake that took place a few hours after the full moon, we see that the Moon moved to 20 degrees of Leo (Graph 7). This means that the full moon energy is carried by the Moon to natal Neptune. We have already pointed out that Neptune is associated with earthquakes. Perhaps the most important issue we should mention in the earthquake moment chart should be the square aspect made by ASC to Neptune. As you can see, we observe Neptune as a recurring theme in every mundane technique we've looked at in sequence since the Eclipse.

Of course, it should not be overlooked that transit Pluto triggers and sensitizes the country's Sun-Saturn midpoint.  So much so that the moment the transiting Moon opposes the transiting Sun/Saturn midpoint, destruction occurs.

Since the transit Sun and Saturn square the natal Jupiter-Venus conjunction of the Turkey chart, we can consider this among the indicators. We can say that Saturn's being in the antiscia of 2 degrees Scorpio (eclipse degree) connects its role at the time of the earthquake to the eclipse.

We have often mentioned the planet Venus above - we see that it is in conjunction with natal Uranus in the earthquake moment chart. Once again, Venus clearly makes an impact on important events.

It seems that, unlike many earthquake disasters that Turkey has experienced before, this time, it will have to make its own progress. Each of the collective planets is aspecting to angles of the natal chart of the country, calling the country to a new level of consciousness and enlightenment. Eclipses also say it's time to cross this threshold.

Only one question remains; can this threshold be crossed?


(Graph 7)


[1] (https://ia802205.us.archive.org/22/items/ptolemystetrabib00ptol/ptolemystetrabib00ptol.pdf, pg 49)

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